The Friends of the Scottsdale Public Library helped make four key Library programs a reality by facilitating four fellowships through the Experience Matters program.
Each of the Fellows will work on special Library programming through financial support of Intel. Since 2011, Intel has placed and funded 60 former employees yearly in positions with non-profit groups that may utilize their experience in fields like engineering and project management.
For the Library, here are the four programs funded for 2016-2017:
Justin Bingham will serve as Project Developer for Story Stroll. Story Stroll is an opportunity for families to read a children’s book, page by page, as they walk through parks and other outdoor areas. This is a year-long fellowship.
Arnie Dominguez will serve as Project Developer for the Ultimate Play Date. This annual event in March brings together children ages 0-8 to experience learning at different Play Zones like adventure, music & dance and science & technology. The 2017 Ultimate Play Date will take place March 4. This is a six-month fellowship.
Jim Nance will serve as Builder for the Books2Go Program. Books2Go is a series of micro-libraries in City of Scottsdale parks filled with free books for the public in a “take one, leave one” style system. This is a year-long fellowship.
Jim Willittes will serve as Coordinator for the STEAM Program. Short for science, technology, engineering, art and math, the STEAM Program will be a series of events designed to educate children in these important fields. This is a year-long fellowship.
The Friends coordinated all the paperwork for these fellowships and is serving as the operations agency on behalf of the Library.