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SkyRoom Now Open for Family Storytime

Scottsdale Public Library re-opened its storytime room, now known as the SkyRoom, at Civic Center Library on May 12. The ceremony included an open house and a storytime for two and three year olds.

Fiesta Bowl Charities Check Presentation
Fiesta Bowl Charities presents $25,000 check to Scottsdale Public Library

The room renovation began in 2021, and more than doubled the size of the space to 3,428 square feet. TheSky Room also features a new audio/visual system, a flat screen Smart TV, and other technological components.

SkyRoom sponsors Fiesta Bowl Charities and Literary Society of the Southwest were both recognized during the opening remarks. Fiesta Bowl Charities also presented an oversized check and award to the Friends as one of its 2021 grant recipients.

The overall cost of the renovation was nearly $500,000, and the Friends donated $28,000 during the Phase 1 construction. Phase 2 funding is now underway, where Friends will raise an additional $28,000 to furnish the space with tables, lounge seating, and custom shelving.

If you would like to donate to this campaign, please visit our Storytime Room Expansion page. If you would like to enjoy the new space with your family, check out the library's schedule of upcoming Family Storytimes.


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