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Thank You Scottsdale Library Volunteers for Your Hard Work

The Friends of the Scottsdale Public Library was a supporting partner of the 40th annual Scottsdale Library Volunteer Luncheon on Friday, February 7, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency Scottsdale at Gainey Ranch.

Bruce Wall at Volunteer Luncheon
Bruce Wall speaks with Library volunteers

Scottsdale historical storyteller Bruce Wall served as guest speaker to discuss one of the most interesting crimes in Scottsdale history. Several City Council Members and members of the Library Board were also in attendance.

The annual lunch is a celebration of all the hard work by Library volunteers. In Scottsdale, there are nearly three volunteers for every staff member who volunteer at the Library, and their responsibilities include everything from shelving books to reading to children to running the book shops.

As an all-volunteer organization, the Friends is appreciative of the efforts of volunteers to provide the highest quality experience to patrons of Scottsdale Public Library.


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