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Storytime Room Expansion

The children’s storytime activities are among the most popular offered at Civic Center Library, providing early learning opportunities for kids ages 0-5.


Unfortunately, space limitations mean children are frequently turned away.


Scottsdale Public Library and the Friends of the Scottsdale Public Library  collaborated to build a bigger, more technologically advanced storytime space, which officially opened to the public on May 12, 2022 as the SkyRoom.


Phase 1 of this project involved expanding the space from 1,600 to 3,428 square feet and adding technology including a state-of-the-art audio/visual system, a flat screen Smart TV, and iPad tablets.

SkyRoom attendees
Fiesta Bowl Charities Logo

Families enjoy the first story time in the renovated SkyRoom on May 12, 2022

City of Scottsdale Capital Improvement funded the majority of construction costs, while the Friends raised $28,000 with support from organizations including Fiesta Bowl Charities and Literary Society of the Southwest.


Phase 2 of this project furnished the new space to optimize the learning experience for children and families. The Friends purchased seating for the room.

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